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Can I use STILReader for CX1000 on a PC without CloudTesting™ Lab license?
How to use variables in STIL file.
"There was no CT_CypherTecAuthentication.dll" occurred when STILReader for CX1000 was executed.
The affinity with the EDA environment
Algorithm IP
Difference in Shmoo Plot Tool for Memory and Condition Table Memory_TypeF License
Difference in GPIB External Instrument Measure IP and GPIB Control IP
Acquire all of fail information in the functional test
What condition is the I/O channel when the DC parametric measurement is executed?
How long is the measurement interval of Measure Count of Power Supply Current Measure IP?
About Out-Of-Setting Voltage in power supply current measurement
Analysis IP
How to analyze the pattern program?
How to display the measurement result as graphs?
The license expiration time
Unidentified error in authenticating or returning the license
How do I return the license of STILReader for CX1000?
Is there a way to return the licenses for all IPs installed on the PC?
Does Cloud Testing Service, Inc. send a calibrated CloudTesting™ Station?
Can I use multiple CloudTesting™ Stations by one ID?
Can I Try?
What payment methods are available?
How to confirm whether the cancellation request is accepted?
Bank Account
What should I do if I want To use the product version after using the trial version?
Is the monthly rate changed by the number of usage days and testing times?
When I purchase the testing IPs in middle of month, is the usage fee change Use charge?
Cancellation requests and expiration date
In case I use Cloud Testing Service for more than 2 months, do I need to purchase every month ?
The error message which "Software and hardware cannot be ordered in the same purchase order.
Can I use the CloudTesting™ Service anywhere in the country?
Can I use CloudTesting ™ Service for personal use?
Using of trial version IP by identical legal entity
Measurement and Analysis
How to change the power supply voltage synchronized with the pattern in functional tests
Is there any problem that PowerSupply and I/O turn on simultaneously?
I/O dead band
How to analyze the operating frequency with Shmoo Plot Tool?
Does the output impedance of the driver affect the current/ voltage measurement in I/O channel?
Is it possible to perform the functional test while keeping the electrical state of the previous functional test?
How to measure the threshold value of power supply voltage, input voltage and output current etc.
Measure the current
Execution result (Fail) is output to Functional Testing IP's data log, but fail cycle information is not output.
In Logic Analyzer Tool, the execution result and logic waveform are different.
In Functional Testing IP, fail pins are not displayed in the data log even though the test result is Fail.
Can the MCU firmware output DRZ waveform and XOR waveform?
Firmware Dependency is NG
Installation of firmware was stopped at 99%.
IP / license available for both CX1000_MCU firmware and MEMORY_TYPE_F firmware
CloudTesting™ Lab
How to use products with multiple PCs
How to expand the size of maximum usable memory on CloudTesting(TM) Lab (Java VM)
I cannot set the pin name as "1pin".
Can I switch the user ID on the same PC?
Change the configuration of the PC
Supported Operating System
Recommended Environment
Cannot launch CloudTesting™ Lab(2)
How to save the pin definition file to any place
How to deal the file access error when DC Calibration(Light) is executed.
Do I always have to connect to the internet when I use CloudTesting™ Lab?
How to specify the rise time of Power Supply?
How to output the fixed voltage form the I/O channel
About the difference between "FixLevel" in "Pin Mode" and "-" in waveform.
Can not set PinMode/Level at each timing set.
License error at the time of PC switching
How to examine the revision number of CloudTesting™ Lab.
How to examine the revision of the IPs.
What is the difference between the JEC loop and the loop by the "Loop Section" on the [Pattern] tab.
Is it possible to specify the loop count to "Loop Section"?
Is it possible to perform multiple patterns in one test item?
Workaround for the case that the error of 「Can't download your contact information.」 is occurred.
About the behavior of slew rate in Power Supply
Is it able to specify the signal condition for the same pin more than once on [Signal] tab?
Import csv file which has missing columns.
Cannot launch CloudTesting™ Lab
"CloudTesting(TM) Lab is running" is shown and cannot launch CloudTesting™ Lab/CustomIPSelector
Show a work project name in data log
The working speed of Cloud Testing (TM) Lab becomes slow when a large amount of data logs is displayed.
CT command can not be executed
Why does the driver output change depending on the comparison pattern [LHZX] of the previous cycle?
What happens when use the work project that contains the test items created with algorithm IP whose license has not been activated?
The installation manual (CloudTestingLabInstallManual-en.xps) cannot be opened on Windows 10
Firmware cannot be installed because Windows update cannot been applied
How to resolve the issue that an error occurs when uninstalling or installing CloudTesting(TM) Lab
How to downgrade the firmware
Warning message due to the change of the AdoptOpenJDK installation folder
Warning message due to the change of the Eclipse Temurin (formerly AdoptOpenJDK) installation folder
CloudTesting™ Station
What is the version of USB?
Long Time Testing
How much is input capacitance of CloudTesting(TM) Station?
How many counts can the power supply gang in CX1000D S2-LINK?
Maximum output current of PowerSupply.
What happens if the voltage exceeding the measurable range is applied to I/O channel?
Input impedance of the comparator
The current capacity of PBVCC
How much the capacity of the bypass capacitor in the CX1000 is?
How much is the maximum current of Power Supply when the current clamp is enabled?
Output impedance and the maximum output current on "In" and "FixLevel".
What is required the operating condition of the CloudTesting ™ station?
What are situations that need to run DC calibration (light)?
Is it necessary to calibrate the DC calibration board?
To get STDF-compliant data log
Trouble Shooting
I cannot sign in
How to solve a runtime exception of "The protection circuit worked.".
Measurement Cable
Is FUNC/CONT cable longer than 1.0m available for purchase?
Connecting method for GND_S(HGND) and GND in CX1000D
Is there any regulations in the cable used with the test board?
The marking of the connector of the FUNC cable
What connector should I choose to connect the CONST / FUNC Cable and the measuring jig?
Pattern Program
What are the conditions for recompiling patterns?
About CTLabPins.pin(PinDescription) in the pattern
What is the size of pattern CX1000 can load?
Compile a very large pattern file
The transfer timing of the patterns to H/W
Expert Mode
How to use the expert mode in CloudTesting™ Lab.
How to use the measured value in the other test conditions