What are the conditions for recompiling patterns?


Is it necessary to recompile the pattern in the case of renaming Pin Name in Pin Definitions?
How about the change of Channel Number?


It is necessary to recompile patterns in the following cases.
After changing Pin Definitions, save the work project and recompile all of patterns.

(a) changes Pin name using in the pattern.
(b) changes Pin Group name using in the pattern.
(c) changes pin count of Pin Group using in the pattern.
(d) changes pin order of Pin Group using in the pattern.
It is also necessary to modify the source of pattern program in the case of (a), (b) and (c).

In the case of changing the channel number assigned to pins, no need to recompile.
Pattern Compiler Window is good stuff for recompiling all of patterns.
It can launch up in Windows’ start menu or CloudTesting(TM) Lab.

Updated at
June 20, 2017