Is it possible to perform the functional test while keeping the electrical state of the previous functional test?
There is a “Power off After Measurement”in Option tab of Functional Testing IP.
This setting is the following specification.
Condition | State |
“Enable” | Power off after the measurement. |
“Disable” | Do not power off the measurement(keep the electrical state). |
By setting “Power off After Measurement” to “Disable” for the previous functional test, you can perform the current functional test while keeping the electrical state of the previous functional test.
But the last voltage of pattern is not kept by setting “Power-off After Measurement” to “Disable”.
It is necessary to set “Power-off After Measurement” to “Disable” and set “Initial State” to “Keep” in Signal tab of the next testitem.
However, the following conditions must be satisfied for this operation.
- The test items are made by an algorithm IP that supports “Power off After Measurement” function, such as Functional Testing IP and DC Parametric Measure IP.
- Conditions in Signal tab are equal to the previous test item and the current test item.