Execution result (Fail) is output to Functional Testing IP's data log, but fail cycle information is not output.


Execution result (Fail) is output to Functional Testing IP’s data log, but fail cycle information is not output.
What the reason for that?


In Functional Testing IP, the number of times to execute pattern varies depending on [Data Log Option] setting on [Option] tab.
For details, refer to [Number of times to execute pattern] in Functional Testing IP Reference Manual.

When [Logging Pins] is used and the number of specified pins is smaller than the number of pins in the pattern, the first pattern execution determines the test results, second or later pattern execution acquires the fail cycles informations.

For example, suppose that the pattern is executed at a voltage lower than the comparison level before the output waveform settles because the waiting time after power-on is insufficient.
In the first pattern execution result will be Fail because the output waveform is not settled, and the test execution result determines as fail.
In the second or later pattern execution when sufficient time has passed after power-on, the comparison cycle is executed with the correct output voltage, so the pattern execution result is Pass and there is no fail cycle information.
In such a case, only the fail execution result is output to the data log, and fail cycle information is not output.

It is necessary to review the power-on sequence and pattern so that the comparison cycle is executed with the output voltage settling.

Updated at
November 07, 2019