What is the difference between the JEC loop and the loop by the "Loop Section" on the [Pattern] tab.


What is the difference between the infinite loop by JEC instruction and the infinite loop by the “Loop Section” in the [Pattern] tab on pattern execution?


  • By JEC instruction

    • The method of describing JEC loop to pattern program.
    • The loop address range is from 0 to -255.
    • It can describe mutiple loop ranges into the pattern.
  • By “Loop Section”

    • The method of describing the loop range to Pattern tab.
    • The loop address range is from the start address to the stop address -1.
    • It can describe one loop range to pattern.

The infinite loop is not executed if one of the following three conditions is satisfied.

  • If [Stop:] value of [Execution Section:] in [Pattern] tab is set to same or smaller value with the address of JEC instruction.

  • If [Stop:] value of [Execution Section:] in [Pattern] tab is set to same or smaller value with [Stop:] value of [Loop Section:] in [Pattern] tab.

  • If [Stop:] value of [Loop Section:] in [Pattern] tab is set to same value or larger value with the address of EXIT instruction.

Updated at
January 01, 2017