At what time are patterns transferred to H/W? What happens if I recompile the patterns?
CloudTesting™ Lab transfers the patterns to H/W(pattern memory in CloudTesting™ Station) on demand while executing measurement. The transferred patterns will be valid and reused until any of the situation which transferred patterns would be discarded described below meets. If the discarded patterns are needed again, it would be re-transferred.
Situation which transferred patterns would be discarded - At restarting CloudTesting™ Lab, every transferred patterns would be discarded. - At when the total data size of transferred patterns exceeds the capacity of the H/W(128Mword), every transferred patterns would be discarded. - At when CloudTesting™ Lab reuses a pattern, if the timestamp of the source pattern object of it has been being updated, it would be discarded and re-transferred. This occurs by recompiling the pattern after the transferring.
- For the consumption size per pattern, refer “What is the size of pattern CX1000 can load?”.
- Recompiling the pattern which is on being transferred can causes unexpected results. Never recompile patterns while executing measurement.