Batch File Execution Plugin

Batch File Execution Plugin adds the function that executes the batch file at specified timing of the measurement sequence to algorithm IPs.   

Revised contents of Rev 1.01.00

  • Added the function to specify a [Batch File] by String type constant, variable, or expression.
  • Added the function to specify a [Batch File] with a relative path from the work project.
  • Fixed an issue that [Show execution log] log was not display in real time.
  • Changed the default value of [Time Limit] from 10s to 3600s.


By using this plugin, it is possible to execute the batch file at the following timings of algorithm IP.

Execution TimingDetail
Beginning of test itemThe timing at the beginning of test item.
After power onThe timing after powered on of each unit.
Before pattern executionThe timing before execution of the pattern. (1)
After pattern executionThe timing after execution of the pattern. (1)
Before measurementThe timing before execution of measurement. (1)
After measurementThe timing after execution of measurement. (1)
Before power offThe timing before powered off of each unit.
End of test itemThe timing at the end of test item.

(1) Depending on the algorithm IP, these may not be available.

This plugin supports to the following algorithm IP (or under planning).

Algorithm IPSupported revisions
External Instrument Measure IP by Batch File1.00.00
Power Supply Current Measure IP2.04.00
DC Parametric Measure IP2.02.00
Frequency Measure IP2.02.00
Functional Testing IP2.04.00
Analog Output Verification IP2.02.00
Digital Output Capture IP2.04.00
Trigger Generation IP1.00.00

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Product GroupAlgorithm IP
Applicable Equipment
  • CX1000P CX1000_MCU
  • CX1000D CX1000_MCU
  • CX1000D S2-LINK CX1000_MCU
DC Parametric Measure IP

Analog Output Verification IP

Frequency Measure IP

Power Supply Current Measure IP

Digital Output Capture IP

Functional Testing IP


Released atNumberDescription
May 29, 20201.01.00
  • Added the function to specify a [Batch File] by String type constant, variable, or expression.
  • Added the function to specify a [Batch File] with a relative path from the work project.
  • Fixed an issue that [Show execution log] log was not display in real time.
  • Changed the default value of [Time Limit] from 10s to 3600s.
June 19, 20191.00.00
  • First edition