Digital Output Capture IP

Digital Output Capture IP is an algorithm IP that captures a signal output from a measurement target as 0/1 data. It judges pass/fail of the captured data. It also saves the captured data to a file.

This IP is used for the following measurements.

  • Reading chip ID/device ID
  • Evaluation/Verification of digital code form Sensor ICs/Linear ICs/Analog ICs
  • Trimming for Sensor ICs/Linear ICs/Analog ICs
  • Redundancy for memory devices

Revision contents on Rev 2.05.01

  • Fixed an issue in which “Power Off” was displayed in [Show measurement sequence] regardless of whether the power was turned off.


Digital Output Capture IP has the following functions.

  • Compare the output signal from the measurement object with I/O pins and capture as 0 / 1 data.
  • Specify the capture pin(s), capture method and the capture range for pattern.
  • Convert the captured 1/0 data to signed / unsigned 32-bit of decimal / hexadecimal numerical data.
  • Judge with different limit value for each converted data and output the data log.
  • Save the captured data to CSV file as 0 / 1 data for each pin.
  • Save the converted numerical data to CSV file.
  • Output the comments and variable values in header of data log and CSV file.
  • Apply the arbitrary waveform synchronized with pattern by Arbitrary Waveform Applying Plugin.
  • Supply the power from external power supply instruments controlled by GPIB by External Power Supply Control Plugin.
  • Extend the capturable number of pins, bit number and type of WFC by Capture Range Extension Plugin for Digital Output Capture IP.
  • Execute the batch file at specified timing of the measurement sequence to algorithm IPs by Batch File Execution Plugin.

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Product GroupAlgorithm IP
Applicable Equipment
  • CX1000P CX1000_MCU
  • CX1000D CX1000_MCU
  • CX1000D S2-LINK CX1000_MCU
Waveform Viewer Tool

External Power Supply Control Plugin

Arbitrary Waveform Applying Plugin

Capture Range Extension Plugin for Digital Output Capture IP

Batch File Execution Plugin


Released atNumberDescription
June 11, 20242.05.01
  • Fixed an issue in which “Power Off” was displayed in [Show measurement sequence] regardless of whether the power was turned off.
May 29, 20202.05.00
  • Added a function to specify the save folder of a CSV file with a constant, a variable, or an expression.
  • Added a function to specify the save folder of a CSV file with a relative path from the work project.
  • Added a function to display an item name to the data log.
  • Added the Break Point function.
  • Added a function invalidate the pass count judgment.
  • Supported Arbitrary Waveform Applying Plugin Rev1.01.00.
  • Supported External Power Supply Control Plugin Rev1.04.00.
  • Supported Batch File Execution Plugin Rev1.01.00.
July 23, 20192.04.10
  • Fixed an issue that the setting range of [Serial Bit Length] was incorrect when using capture range extension function.
RevisionSetting range of [Serial Bit Length]
Rev2.04.00Up to the maximum number of I/O pin of the system
Rev2.04.10Up to 256
June 19, 20192.04.00
  • Changed the design of [Capture Condition] tab, [Measurement Result] tab, and [Options] tab. For details, refer to reference manual.
  • Added the function to specify the radix (decimal / hexadecimal) of the numerical data to be converted.
  • Changed the notation of data log to Integer (decimal / hexadecimal).
  • Added the function to specify the numeric representation method (Signed 32bit / Unsigned 32bit) of captured data.
  • Added the functions to output and control debug information (capture result and progress, warning, measurement sequence).
  • Extended the function to customize the CSV file name to save.
  • Fixed an issue that judgment value was different from captured data when [Capture Mode] = [Address Selection].
  • Fixed an issue that can not save to CSV file when using pattern file other than work project folder.
  • Fixed an issue that arbitrary waveform applying function can not be used due to [Capture Mode].
  • Fixed an issue that incorrect numerical data was saved due to the test conditions when using capture range extension function.
  • Supported Batch File Execution Plugin(PCXA01-M5009) R1.00.00.
  • Supported Capture Range Extension Plugin for Digital Output Capture IP(PCXA01-M1044) R1.00.10.
  • Supported External Power Supply Control Plugin(PCXA01-M1039) R1.03.00.
February 13, 20182.03.00
October 30, 20172.02.00
  • Fixed an issue that the device outputs could not be captured correctly when [Capture Mode] was [Address Selection].
  • Added [Cycle Selection] to [Capture Mode].
  • Added a function which customizes save file name.
December 06, 20162.01.00
  • Support “power-off control” function on “Flow Item List Area” in Expert Mode.
  • Support External Power Supply Control Plugin R1.01.00.
May 13, 20162.00.00
  • Change the product name.
    • New product name : Digital Output Capture IP
    • Old product name : Pattern Capture IP
    • If you have already a contract with the old product names, the change procedures of the contract associated with the product name change is not required.
  • Change the IP name.
    • New IP name : Digital Output Capture IP
    • Old IP name : PatternCapture_IP
    • The project that was created in the old IP name is also able to use as it is..
  • Add the AWG Condition tab.
    • The AWG Condition tab is enabled by Arbitrary Waveform Applying Plugin.
    • Arbitrary Waveform Applying Plugin adds the function of applying arbitrary waveform synchronized with pattern to measurement object to algorithm IPs.
    • Please refer to Product Page for details.
  • Add the External Power Supply tab.
    • The External Power Supply tab is enabled by External Power Supply Control Plugin.
    • External Power Supply Plugin adds the function of applying a voltage from external power supply controlled by GPIB.
    • Please refer to Product Page for details.
  • Add the Document tab.
    • The Document tab has the buttons for displaying the reference manual and revision history.
  • Change the tab name.
    • Before: Measurement Condition
    • After: Measurement Result
  • Change the name of parameters and its place.
Name of parameter Place
Before After Before After
"Save Measured Data" "Save measured data" Capture Condition tab Measurement Result tab
"Save captured data"(No name change) Capture Condition tab Measurement Result tab
"CSV Save Folder" "Folder" Capture Condition tab Measurement Result tab
"Capture Pin"(No name change) Measurement Result tab Capture Condition tab
"Output Form"(No name change) Measurement Result tab Capture Condition tab
"Serial Bit Width"(No name change) Measurement Result tab Capture Condition tab

The project that was created in the old IP name is also able to use as it is..

July 03, 20151.02.00
  • Add function of setting variable for “Upper Limit” and “Lower Limit”.
  • Add Judgement of total PASS count.
  • Add function of saving “individual judgement result”, “individual measurement data”, “total judgement result”, “total pass count” to the user variables by interpose processing.

The following error message will appear in console when a project that is made by previous revision is loaded at first time.

Error occurred.
Error Code: 001-0130-013
[Measurement Condition]
The following variable error occured.
Variable not defined: "dummy".

This error is caused by revision-up. There is no problem at the function of this IP. The message does not appear in console when a project that is made by new revision.

February 02, 20151.01.00

Support IP Manager

January 26, 20151.00.00

First edition