[High Resolution Timing Setting for Memory_TypeF License] adds the function that sets the timing edge by high resolution of 78.12 ps to [Functional Testing for Memory(PCXA01-M3001)].
This function is used for measurements requiring high accuracy AC timing.
Actual use case is shown below.
- Adjustment of Judge Timing for high speed IC Memory.
- GO/NOGO with AC specification for high speed IC Memory.
Revision contents on Rev 1.01.00
The revision history was integrated into Functional Testing for Memory(PCXA01-M3001)
Please refer to Revision Hisotry of Functional Testing for Memory(PCXA01-3001).
This license adds the following function to Functional Testing for Memory(PCXA01-M3001).
Set Input timing edge and Judgement timing edge with 78.12ps resolution.
Please refer to the manual from features of Functional Testing for Memory(PCXA01-3001).