Summary of revision
(1) Revision number Rev 1.07.01
(2) Reason for revision Improvement of functions
Enhanced functions
There are not any additional functions.
Improved items
3.1 Improved converting of MatchLoop statements
The following conversion error occurred when writing multiple
Vector statements within a MatchLoop statement.
* STIL File
V { signal =11; }
MatchLoop 3 {
V { signal =00; }
V { signal =11; } // Multiple Vector statements exist
BreakPoint {
V { signal =11; }
* Error Message
Message E-3073 [Error]:
(sample.stil 56,2) Invalid MatchLoop.
A MatchLoop can have only one vector.
[Behavior after improvement]
STILReader only checks the syntax of MatchLoop without error
and outputs the pattern described in the Vector statement.
[Revisions in which this phenomenon occurs]
Rev 1.00.00 to 1.07.00
3.2 Improved converting of Ann statements
When many Ann statements existed, STILReader sometimes forcibly ended.
[Behavior after improvement]
Converts normally without forcibly terminating.
[Revisions in which this phenomenon occurs]
Rev 1.00.00 to 1.07.00
3.3 Improved converting of pattern repetition(\r)
If all of the following conditions are met, a conversion error occurred.
a)The pattern repetition (\r) is described continuously in the Vector statement.
b)The pattern repetition (\r) is divided into two lines.
c)Two or more pattern mnemonics are described in the pattern repepition (\r)
on the first line.
* STIL file
Pattern "test1" {
V { "all_pins" = \r5 HL // Two or more pattern mnemonics -> HL
\r8 L; // Definition of repetition after line break -> \r
* Error Message
Message E-3156 [Error]:
(sample.stil 2922,21) Illegal to specify in the group of repeat
characters in vector data: \r5 HL\r8 L
The white space required will terminate the repeat operation
[Behavior after improvement]
Converts normally without error.
[Revisions in which this phenomenon occurs]
Rev 1.00.00 to 1.07.00
3.4 Improved converting with -errorcheck option
When the -errorcheck option was specified, the conversion process might not end
if syntactically incorrect character strings existed.
[Behavior after improvement]
The conversion process ends under the above conditions.
[Revisions in which this phenomenon occurs]
Rev 1.00.00 to 1.07.00