CloudTesting™ Station CX1000D

CloudTesting™ Station CX1000D is a measurement instrument for measuring and analyzing the semiconductor device.

When you request the shipment of CX1000D, please log in to Mypage, then click the above “Shipment of CX1000P/D” shown on the right side, fill in the required information.

If you want to send CX1000D S2-LINK, set the quantity to 2, and complete the shipment request.

Specifications of Measurement Channel

CloudTesting™ Station has a measurement terminal called measurement channel. CX1000D has 128 measurement channels.

Refer to the table below for the specifications of the measurement channels.

Measurement channelsFeatureCX1000DCX1000D S2-LINK
I/OApply digital signal128 channels256 channels
Power SupplyApply power supply voltage8 channels16 channels
Arbitrary Waveform GeneratorGenerate analog signal4 channel8 channels
DigitizerCapture analog signal4 channel8 channels
Reference Voltage SupplyApply reference voltage8 channels16 channels

If you use CX1000D S2-LINK configuration, you need to request two CX1000D.

Applicable Firmware

CX1000D supports the following firmwares.

FirmwareTarget Device
CX1000_MCUMCU, Logic IC, ADC, DAC, Sensors, etc.
MEMORY_TYPE_FFlash Memory, DRAM, SRAM, SD card, EEPROM, etc.

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Product GroupCloudTesting™ Lab
Applicable Equipment
  • CX1000D CX1000_MCU
  • CX1000D S2-LINK CX1000_MCU
CloudTesting™ Lab CX1000D S2-LINK License

CloudTesting™ Lab Expert Mode License

CloudTesting™ Lab CX1000D License

CloudTesting™ Station CX1000P