What is CloudTesting™ Lab

CloudTesting™ Lab is a software to measure and analyze by controlling CloudTesting™ Station. It can measure in 3 steps, connect pins, select the measurement method and input the measurement conditions.

You can download CloudTesting ™ Lab from the following button.

Download CloudTesting™ Lab

Installation Manual (PDF)

After installation, the user’s manual can be found in the Windows Start menu (see the Installation Manual for details.) It can also be accessed from the toolbar icon in the Main Window, or from the following links:

CX1000 User's Manual(CX1000_MCU, PDF)

CX1000 User's Manual(CX1000_MEMORY_TYPE_F, PDF)

To launch CloudTesting™ Lab, you need to purchase a license for CloudTesting™ Station. License required for each CloudTesting ™ Station is as follows.

CX1000PCloudTesting™ Lab CX1000P License
CX1000DCloudTesting™ Lab CX1000D License
CX1000D S2-LINK ConfigurationCloudTesting™ Lab CX1000D License、CloudTesting™ Lab CX1000D S2-LINK License

Notes on the update to Rev 2.47.00 or later

  • Updating to this revision from a revision prior to Rev 2.47.00 requires the update for the following IPs.

    • Measure Item Execution IP (PCXA01-M5008) Rev 1.02.00
    • Shmoo Plot Tool (PCXT01-M6001) Rev 2.47.00
    • Shmoo Algorithm (PCXT01-M6000) Rev 2.47.00
    • Shmoo Plot Tool for Memory (PCXT01-M8001) Rev 2.47.00
    • Logic Analyzer Tool (PCXT01-M6030) Rev 1.13.00
    • Logic Analyzer Tool for Memory (PCXT01-M8004) Rev 1.10.03
    • Waveform Viewer Tool (PCXT01-M7000) Rev 2.04.00
  • Updating from Rev 2.44.01 or earlier to this revision requires the update for the following IP.

    • CloudTesting™ Lab Expert Mode License (PCXS01-M0004) Rev 1.01.00

    For more information, see the following:
    CloudTesting™ Lab Expert Mode License Rev 1.01.00 Revision History

  • If you want to update the revision earlier than Rev 2.40.00, you need to update the CX1000_MCU firmware.
    For details, refer to the “First Using After Installation” in the “User’s Manual.”

  • Work projects saved with this revision are not backward compatible with those saved with the revisin earlier than 2.44.00. The revision of the CloudTesting™ Lab that opens work project must be 2.44.00 or later.


Please refer the table below about the requirements.

CPU1GHz or faster, 64bit
Memory8GB or more
Display1024px x 768px or higher (1280px x 1024px or higher is recommended)
Interfaceone or more USB2.0 port
Operation SystemMicrosoft Windows 10/11 Pro 64bit (Japanese version or English version)
JavaOpenJDK 8 (Recomended) and 17 (Eclipse Temurin (*1) , 64bit, Java SE compatible)
NetworkThe Internet

(*1) As of July 2021, The AdoptOpenJDK project has been moved under the Eclipse Foundation, and its builds have been renamed “Eclipse Temurin.”

The software provided by CloudTesting™ Service is managed by the licence. The license is authenticated via the Internet.

Please check whether the license can authenticate in your environment by the following tool.

Network Environment Verification Program

The result is expected the folloings:

Verifying connection for Cypher license server (former) : Connection establised.
Verifying connection for Cypher license server (recent) : Connection establised.
Verifying connection for EC site api (ssl) : Connection establised.
Verifying connection for IP server files (ssl) : Connection establised.

All connections were successfully established.
You can use IP Manager.

If the result is “You cannot use IP Manager”, please install Testing IP manually from the following tool.

All IPs Package

(Installation procedure)

  1. Install CloudTesting™ Lab
  2. Install All IPs Package
  3. Start CloudTesting™ Lab
Notes on uninstallation and installation

  • When you install or update CloudTesting™ Lab, uninstall All IPs Package in advance.
  • If you are using Custom IP Selector, refer to "Caution" on here

Updated at
January 01, 2017