How to expand the size of maximum usable memory on CloudTesting(TM) Lab (Java VM)
The available memory is as follows.
- Physical memory of PC is less than 16GB: 4GB
- Physical memory of PC is 16BG or more: 1/4 of the physical memory
The workaround is as follows.
- Increase the physical memory of PC
- Follow the steps below
Edit the following part of the startup batch file “%ProgramW6432%\CloudTesting\lib\CTLab.bat”.
if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 2 ( start "CTLab" javaw.exe -Xmx2G -jar CTLab.jar %* ) else if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 3 ( start "CTLab" javaw.exe -Xmx4G -jar CTLab.jar %* ) else ( start "CTLab" javaw.exe -jar CTLab.jar %* )
Physical memory of PC is less than 16GB (Maximum available memory is 4GB)
Setting the maximum available memory to 6GB- Before
start “CTLab” javaw.exe -Xmx4G -jar CTLab.jar %* - After
start “CTLab” javaw.exe -Xmx6G -jar CTLab.jar %*
- Before
Physical memory of PC is 16BG or more (Maximum available memory is 1/4 of the physical memory)
Setting the maximum available memory to 8GB- Before
start “CTLab” javaw.exe -jar CTLab.jar %* - After
start “CTLab” javaw.exe -Xmx8G -jar CTLab.jar %*
- Before
When expanding the size of maximum usable memory, please note that it may affect the operation of other applications.