How to expand the size of maximum usable memory on CloudTesting(TM) Lab (Java VM)


How to expand the size of maximum usable memory on CloudTesting(TM) Lab (Java VM)


The available memory is as follows.

  • Physical memory of PC is less than 16GB: 4GB
  • Physical memory of PC is 16BG or more: 1/4 of the physical memory

The workaround is as follows.

  • Increase the physical memory of PC
  • Follow the steps below

Edit the following part of the startup batch file “%ProgramW6432%\CloudTesting\lib\CTLab.bat”.


if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 2 (
	start "CTLab" javaw.exe -Xmx2G -jar CTLab.jar %*
) else if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 3 (
	start "CTLab" javaw.exe -Xmx4G -jar CTLab.jar %*
) else (
	start "CTLab" javaw.exe -jar CTLab.jar %*
  • Physical memory of PC is less than 16GB (Maximum available memory is 4GB)
    Setting the maximum available memory to 6GB

    • Before
      start “CTLab” javaw.exe -Xmx4G -jar CTLab.jar %*
    • After
      start “CTLab” javaw.exe -Xmx6G -jar CTLab.jar %*
  • Physical memory of PC is 16BG or more (Maximum available memory is 1/4 of the physical memory)
    Setting the maximum available memory to 8GB

    • Before
      start “CTLab” javaw.exe -jar CTLab.jar %*
    • After
      start “CTLab” javaw.exe -Xmx8G -jar CTLab.jar %*

When expanding the size of maximum usable memory, please note that it may affect the operation of other applications.

Updated at
March 17, 2017